1 show down and 36 to go! We had a blast playing Seattle last night and seeing so many familiar faces in the crowd! We crossed the border early yesterday without any problems and cruised on to the Kraken. It was very exciting to finally returning to the Kraken after the Visa problems of last year. It was two years ago that we recorded ‘Unleashed at the Kraken’ in Seattle so it was really cool being able to bring the vinyl down and have it available to the very people who were there those years ago.
We would like to give a big shout out and thanks to Substratum and Skeletor for rocking with us. It was a great bill and from the beginning to the end the show was wicked! We already can’t wait to come back to Seattle!
We are currently on our way to Vancouver WA. I think we all found it amusing explaining to the people last night that our next stop was Vancouver… “ya, we came down from Vancouver this morning” “oh cool where’s your next stop?” “Tomorrow we are playing Vancouver” “oh so you came down for one show and now you are going back???” “No we are playing Vancouver WA” “but you came from Vancouver…” “we came from Vancouver Canada” “oh yeah that makes sense” 😛
Being in Washington State is awesome because in a lot of ways it is very similar here to back home in Canada. The people are super nice and totally make us feel at home. We are looking forward to the show tonight in Vancouver!
Keep the Faith, Leighton Holmes (Bass Guitar)