Brothers and Sisters of the Kingdom!
Thank you to everyone who came out and rocked with us at Funkys on Friday! It was a wicked show from front to back. We kicked off the show playing our last gig before we head into the studio next month. Xul, a band from Vernon, played next and crushed heads with their brand of pounding Death Metal. Sanktuary killed it and Terrifier (formerly Skull Hammer) destroyed the place and wrapped up the show. We have been largely silent for the last couple months but we have not been idle. The writing for the next album, Gates of Eternity, is completed and we will be heading into the studio at the beginning of November to start laying down the tracks. All of us in the Kingdom are incredibly excited to share with you the fruits of our labours and can’t wait till it is completed and ready for your consumption. With this album we really flexed our creativity and we feel that we have out done our first endeavor. With an average track length of about 6 minutes and a track that runs about 15 minutes we are stepping up the levels of epic. In honour of surpassing 666 likes on we released one half of the cover for Gates of Eternity and I tell you it is wicked.
We used the same artist (Nicholas Frenette) as our first cover and the painting he created blew my mind the first time I saw it. I won’t say too much right now but believe me the other side of the cover is just as awesome. Keep your eyes open as we will be releasing more info on the new album as we get closer to finishing the recording. I personally promise you will not be disappointed.
Keep the Faith, and Happy Thanksgiving! Leighton Holmes (Bass Guitar)